Refining your data from configuration to database

One of the promises of strongly typed languages is that the compiler will catch your errors instead of throwing unexpected exceptions at runtime. In this post we will cover all stages of an application from model, user input, configuration, and database, seeing how far one can take this approach without hitting a ‘diminishing returns’ wall.

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Finch: Functional Web Development

A considerable number of Scala developers are attracted by the promises of type safety and functional programming in Scala, as can be seen by the adoption of libraries like Cats and Shapeless. When building an HTTP API, the choices for a pure functional programming approach are limited. Finch is a good candidate to fill that space and provide a full-stack FP experience.

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Newsletter 15: New Events in the New Year


At the end of last year we ran a Christmas sale to raise money for charity. In this edition we have the results of that sale, and also the details of three events we’re running in the upcoming months, in LA and Seattle.

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Barclays Agile Awards 2016

We are excited and proud to announce that a project started with Underscore partners and associates has won the highest accolade in the Barclays Agility Conference: Barclays UK Team of the Year and the Overall Winner category. We’ll describe the project, changes we introduced, and technologies used.

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Newsletter 14: Closing the Book on 2016


It’s the Underscore newsletter! It has be a long time since the last one—for which I apologise—but now is not the time to dwell on the past. In this edition we’re letting you know about printed copies of our Guide to Shapeless and a hefty discount on our ebooks, in addition to the usual rundown of goings on. Also note that from now until 2017 we’re donating all income from book sales to charity.

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